Friday, March 16, 2012

Arctic Fox

The Arctic Fox is a beautiful animal. Unfortunately, they are losing their home to (the larger) Red Fox. People also target their fur. They also have diseases from domestic dogs. Surprisingly, the red fox is the main cause of the shrinking population of the Arctic Fox. They are the bigger animal and are looking for more land. In a way, you can kind of say that animals are, in a way, like humans, always looking for more space, and more things.

`Till next time...

Animal Lover

Lack of Posts

Dear Readers,

I`m am very sorry about my lack of posts lately, I`ve had a lot on my mind. I pinky promise that I will continue posting.

Animal Lover

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pig video

Hello, I know this is not exactly an endangered animal, but it is a big, big issue, pigs are used in many ways over the world. They are used in Gelatin, in ham, in pork, in bacon (and more). which is why I am going to post a video about pig slaughter on this very blog, soon. So, be looking for some videos!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Hey guys, I know I should've wrote about this earlier because Elephants are probably the most endangered animal i`ve written about. And this first reason is one I haven't been talking about much, CLIMATE. Climate change is a big reason for the population of elephants is shrinking (and I`m afraid that there is nothing we can do anything about that). Another reason why the elephant population is shrinking is because of poaching for the elephants ivory.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Today, as you can see I`m going to talk about tigers. Tigers are endangered for many different reasons. So first the usual, illegal hunting (will they EVER stop?) for the tigers skin, their meat and body parts that are used in MEDICINE (who would want tiger body parts in their medicine?) and habitat loss, like logging and other habitat loss issues. But if you think about it you are basically hunting a friend, an innocent animal that didn't do ANYTHING wrong, so if any of you ever even THINK about hunting an animal (especially an endangered one) DON'T DO IT!!!!!!



Sunday, December 18, 2011

Snowy Owls

Snowy Owls, a beautiful, delicate looking, amazing owl. It is sad to say why the beautiful creatures are endangered. But you`ll have to know, snowy owls are endangered because some people ILLEGALLY kill the poor creatures for their eyes and talons. Sad isn't it? So if you ever, ever, ever, EVER see a snowy owl being tortured by anyone, anything, any place, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help the poor owl.



Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hi everyone,
Today I`m going to talk about pandas, Pandas are endangered for a reason that will occur in most of my blogs, HUMANS. Humans are cutting down ALL of the panda`s forests , so if humans keep on cutting them down, they will have no food or habitat and will die. And anyway... who doesn't love pandas?
